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COVID | Trinity Christian School
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Reopening Committee Update – A Note From Parent Representatives

August 14, 2020

Dear Trinity Families:

As parent representatives of the Trinity Reopening committee, we are writing this letter to update you on the Trinity Reopening Plan and express our support for our teachers and principals. For our family, we have decided that the sacrifices required to have an approved wavier are worth the disruption to our routine. We are praying and hopeful that three of our kids can attend in-person instruction.

For your information, the Trinity Reopening Plan is attached here and our waiver has been submitted to the County of San Diego in hopes of returning to in-person classes. Please pray that it is approved! 

Please look over the plan. As you look over the plan, we want you to know that the school administrators have been working tirelessly to meet the requirements of this waiver so that our kids can attend classes together.

Administrators have: 

  • renovated the facility to provide a supervised, yet isolated sick room
  • hired all-day assistant staff for each classroom
  • invested in a filtration system for the HVAC
  • created a plan for our kids to not have prolonged periods of time indoors for instruction (which by the way, Trinity happens to have an ideal set up with no indoor hallways and children already accustomed to PE and lunch outdoors)

 All this has been done to protect our teachers and students from illness to the best of our ability and to meet the strict requirements for the county waiver. Obviously, some of the changes are less than ideal, but they are necessary to protect our kids and to meet the requirements of the waiver.

More than ever before, our school is going to have to work together to keep our kids in the classroom rather than distance-learning (but of course there are plans for that as well!).

We are full of hope that God is growing our children in faith, resilience, and compassion during this season.

3 John 2

Kendall and Shelly Laughlin

Download (PDF, 192KB)

Important Parent Letter – May 13

May 13, 2020

Dear TCS Families,

We are continuing to pray for each TCS family and trust that you are well and feeling a sense of God’s presence in your lives. Parents, we applaud your efforts in partnering with us to help your children to continue moving forward with their grade level learning. We understand the stress that this can cause both for the students and the parents under these extenuating circumstances. Please be assured that we understand that each family has a different situation and we encourage you to just do the best you can. We are winding down our school year as we enter these last few weeks. It feels like it has been a long journey but our hope is that we can all finish strong.

The next drop-off/pick-up will occur next Monday, May 18th. Please take note of the suggested times cited below. This event will be to trade bags of finished work for bags with the last packet to go home, NED tickets, and library books. There will be only one more drop-off only on Monday, June 8th. That event will be to return NED tickets, completed work, textbooks, and library books. The giant NED ticket drawing will take place the first week we are back at school. Students will receive their report card in the mail the week of June 15th.

It appears that we will be unable to reopen before the end of our school year. We are working on what can be done for our eighth grade graduation but do not believe that we will be able to host grade level promotions. We will keep you informed of any changes that may occur.

Our faithful hard-working teachers and support staff have been keeping students on track in their grade level course of study with Google Classroom, instructional work packets and Zoom meetings. We also hope you have been able to tune-in to our weekly Chapel on Fridays at 9:00 a.m. hosted by Mrs. Warren and Mrs. Tapia. They are all greatly appreciated.

In His Service,

Sharon Axe, Co-Principal       Jimmie Drummond, Co-Principal

MONDAY  MAY 18, 2020

Packet Drop-off/Pick-up drive through schedule by the family’s LAST name

(A-C = 9:00 a.m.)    (D-H = 10:00 a.m.)    (I-M = 11:00 a.m.)

(N-S = 12:00 p.m.)    (T-Z = 1:00 p.m.)

Last Day of School is June 10

May 1, 2020

This brief notification is in relationship to the very confusing discussions being reported concerning the Coronavirus situation and schools in California.  Earlier this week California Governor Gavin Newsom made remarks in a press conference about the possibility of public schools starting the 2020-21 school year as early as July. For various reasons public school students missed instructional days as it took weeks for the districts to get their distance learning programs up and running. Our TCS students have continued in their teacher directed grade level course of study without a gap in instructional days using Google Classroom, Zoom Meetings and personalized curriculum learning packets. We want to assure you that our start date for the 2020-21 school year will be in September.

As a small independent school we will take our direction regarding opening and running Trinity Christian School from the San Diego County Department of Health. If there are specific procedures that need to be taken we will take them. The classrooms and restrooms have been thoroughly sanitized and the hope is that when we get the okay from the Health Department we will be ready to respond with their recommendations. We plan to have our school year end on June10th as published. If we are allowed to resume school before June 10th it would be wonderful to finish the school year together hosting the grade level promotion assembly and eighth grade graduation ceremony. Report cards will be issued on June 10th either way.

In His Service,

Sharon Axe, Co-Principal
Jimmie Drummond, Co-Principal

Important Letter from the Principals

Greetings TCS Families,

We truly hope that this letter finds everyone healthy and adjusting to this new temporary way of life. We are praying for all our wonderful TCS parents who have been stretched with their time and energy, for our great TCS students that are working hard to keep up with their distance learning and our awesome TCS staff that is working hard to facilitate forward motion in their students’ learning  circumstances. The feedback regarding the use of the Google Classroom online platform, Zoom meetings, and instructional learning packets has been good.

It seems that there are daily changes regarding the pandemic news depending upon whom you listen to. This complicates decision making for everyone. As much as we have been hoping and praying to return to school at the beginning of May it is just not possible due to San Diego County and California public health orders.  We are continuing to monitor the health orders closely and will open up again as soon as we are allowed to even if it can only be for a short time. Thank goodness we have a greater power in the name of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit for the Glory of God the Father to rely upon as we navigate this unprecedented time together.

This coming Monday, May 4th, we will host another drop-off/pick up drive through with two more weeks of learning materials that follow our TCS curriculum grade level course of study. It is important to return the two gallon plastic “Student Bag” that is labeled with first and last name and grade level with your child’s completed work in it!.This is so we can exchange the two gallon bags in order to reuse them for the following drop-off/pick-up drive through if it is needed. Your teachers are looking forward to seeing all that has been accomplished during the off campus classroom days. We would like to remind you that if you would rather not receive email notifications when new assignments are posted in Google Classroom, please feel free to turn your notifications off – just be sure that you check Google Classroom daily for new postings!  Also, Spanish and typing have been added as optional enrichment opportunities for your student’s distance learning experience.

    MONDAY  MAY 4, 2020

Packet Drop-off/Pick-up drive through schedule by the family’s LAST name

(A-C = 9:00 a.m.)    (D-H = 10:00 a.m.)    (I-M = 11:00 a.m.)  (N-S = 12:00 p.m.)    (T-Z = 1:00 p.m.)

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Isaiah 41:10